Karl Stromberg has put together a few photographs from the 2016 Irish National Assembly. Not the usual format as Karl has taken a different view on proceedings. Over the coming days, we will be uploading them to the National site, www.irishnationalrally.com To start proceedings, and especially the weekend that's in it, the first batch come […]
Category: Irish National Assembly
2017 Motor Cycle calendar
Below see dates for Motor Cycling Ireland fixtures. Make sure to write Jan 1st, May 6/7 and Aug 21/26 in your diary. NOTE; This is an amended calendar with slight changes form the original one posted. Calendar below is correct as of Oct 30, 2016.
2016 Irish National Assembly
The 50th Irish National Assembly event is oversubscribed and entries are now closed. If you have an interest in the 2017 event, please email us with your postal address, and we will include you when sending out further information in January next. email; irish.national.rally@gmail.com Web; www.irishnationalrally.com
2014 Assembly
Well worth a watch;
National Assembly 2014
The 48th Irish National Motorcycle Rally will take place from August 25th to 30th next. The event will be based in Killarney at the Castlerosse Hotel, and for 4 days the rally routes will take the bikes and riders over the scenic roads of West Cork and Kerry. The event, now in its 48th year, is as popular as […]
Irish National Assembly.
The club's most recent was thw Irish National Assembly held during the last week in August. For Gallery photographs see www.irishnationalrally.com