On Saturday and Sunday 26th 27th May the Irish Indian Riders Club are holding the second only ever Irish Indian rally at Ballyrafter House in Lismore, Co Waterford in . The rally is held in Ireland every 3 years . So far we have 38 Indians from UK , Ireland and Europe coming . If anyone feels like attending and seeing the bikes or doing the runs on Sat and Sun please come along. Runs kick of at 11 on both days .
There is no charge for the weekend, however there is a dinner / buffet on Saturday night and numbers are limited in advance. Cost is 25 euro and if you wish to attend I would need a definite booking in advance to confirm .Bookings can be sent to jjotoole@eircom.net or 087 9532911 , Otherwise all welcome to tag along and enjoy a good day or two out .
Yours on an Indian
Joe O Toole